Friday, September 27, 2013

The latest in the fig series although this is really a lime resurrected as a fig.  A painting that has been hanging on the studio wall but wasn't really complete until it became a little organger!!! and a little figgery!  Okay I know these are not real words but they go with the painting! so enjoy this latest creation.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

I believe this painting is done.  I am happy with the gesture and the movement.  It is hanging in a spot in the house where I can see it regularly and decide how I really feel about it but I think it is very very close to being done.  Yeah.  Feels good to have kept the essence of the painting while allowing it to transform itself!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hum!  What to do what to do.  Maybe nothing for right  now.  Starting at the top these are the  transitions that this fig has made.  I have tired not to make too drastic a change but slowly the painting has evolved.  As I look back at the initial fig I think I need to get some of what is in the first painting back.  There is lots of good stuff in each of them so I am going to let it rest and see where my gut takes me when I am next back in the studio.

Monday, July 15, 2013

I love figs and I love farmers markets so I am working on painting what I love.  I also love doing it in my head  which just isn't the same as doing them in the studio and on the canvas.  So today it was a large fig on this canvas and it was great fun to abstract it but also keep the essence of the fig.  I can hardly wait to get back out there tomorrow.  I have a whole box of luscious figs to inspire me.  Yeah!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

This is the start of a new painting.  Watch this painting develop.  I am struggling with what to paint but I know when this is the case one just has to get in the studio and start painting so that is what I am doing.  Tomorrow will definitely be studio day and I am looking forward to seeing how this painting will develop.  I see some very interesting things in this painting as it is so I want to be careful to not loose them.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

I just love the creative process and the surprises that happen.  I am sure I have said this before but I was roaming thru images today and found this fun drawing.  It seems it takes some time to let the images simmer in my psyche before they resonate.  Now I am wondering about using this as the start of a painting.  Hummmm!

Monday, May 13, 2013

This time of year the colors here in the Sonoran Desert-Scottsdale-are absolutely breath taking.  I am absolutely in awe of the green prickly pears with the bright red flowers a top their pads.  And then there is the new pads with their fresh green of spring time.  As I was looking thru my drawings this one with with the red and green combo

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hopefully the image will speak for itself.  I am at a loss of what to say.  There is a simplicity in this drawing as well as a depth of layers.  Keep looking.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ribbon Time

I love the magic of what happens when you draw the same scene time and time again.  No two drawings are ever the same.  I am always amazed and in awe of the creative process.  Enjoy this little drawing of a ribbon in a vase.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 Drawing

A new year. A new drawing. I want to see what can happen if I draw on a regular basis and let the creative juices flow.  I so love what happens in this process as it is always a surprise and I love surprises.