My morning breakfast is yogurt covered in blueberries and strawberries sprinkled with toasted almonds and granola. As I looked at the rich colors of the strawberries and the blueberries I thought I need to see if I can capture the beauty of these colors in a painting. I thought I would post the evolution of the painting as I try to paint these wonderful colors.
This is a painting I did last summer. I did it very spontaneously covering up another painting that was not working for me. I really love what I did here and would like to build on this painting but not sure how to do that so in the mean time I will continue to think about it and maybe even paint my way thru the challenge.
Monday, May 17, 2010
A to go glass of passion fruit ice tea with a splash of lemonade is my drink of choice from AJ's my favorite grocery store here in Scottsdale. I know if I was here all summer they would know me at AJ's by site and the minute I walked in they would begin preparing my ice tea. While at AJ's recently I could not stop myself from buying a lime to draw. They are so round and green which I know you cannot tell-how green they are that is-from this drawing as I was in to the shapes and the composition of the things in front of me all in a box.
I am trying to do a drawing everyday. Usually it is something in my environment or something that my fingers are just itching to record. As I sat in Kathy's family room and searched for something to draw it was sitting right in front of me-Kathy. Kath was sitting on the floor in front of me reading a catalog. I thought okay I will give this a try. Wow. This is one of my better figures in recent months and she was even fully clothed! This was great fun and very inspiring. Today I am off to visit a friend at her studio.